First of all: the ratio of female and male colleagues at Spiekermann as of 2018 is 74: 104 with an upward trend * and all other genders are also welcome. Nevertheless, we make it easy for ourselves and our readers and take the shortest form if a neutral one is not possible.

(*In 2014 it was 42: 107, in 2016 it was already 82: 123)

More than just colleagues – a great team

It is no surprise: without our approximately 200 civil engineers, geologists, industrial engineers, draftsmen, students and those who support them in the background, Spiekermann would not be Spiekermann!

What does it mean to be part of the Spiekermann team?

Moving together

Almost 200 employees are quite a number of colleagues. Despite the size of the company, the mood is mostly familiar, even if everyone comes together. This is due to a flat hierarchy, the open doors also with the management and the cohesion of the changing teams, who like to spend time together beyond working hours (for example during sports, barbecuing, …).

Become part of the team

So that you can quickly become part of the team, and approach the first projects well prepared, we have a number of things in mind. For example:

  • You get a direct contact person (a direct colleague that works in the same area of application), available for any questions;
  • You and the other new colleagues get an overview of the most important basics during two onboarding events, so that you can get a good basis to start with. For everything you can’t remember, you have your direct contact and many other colleagues.
*Current survey results

Sense of purpose and deep appreciation

Would you like to help shape the mobility of tomorrow? Would you like to work for clean water and an environment worth living in? Take a look at our projects: whether large or small projects, whether private or public clients, our projects move people, change the present and shape the future.

From plans and appraisals to real measures

Projects in Germany or abroad. Rebuild or renovate infrastructure. If you wish, Spiekermann can offer you plenty of opportunities to make decisions and the freedom to try new things. With us you won’t see just lines, numbers and letters on a white background, but you will have the chance to experience what is planned, directly on the construction site.

We do not express appreciation with fruit baskets – Personal development

Do we regularly interview our employees? Yes. Are there annual and semi-annual meetings at Spiekermann? Yes. Are there individual career opportunities? Yes.

Become an expert…

for example, for BIM (Building Information Modeling). Current projects are, among others:

  • Waste water treatment plant Köhlbrandhöft Hamburg – new construction of rake and sand trap,
  • HaLiMa dyke relocation,
  • Track connection Stuttgart 21,
  • Sewage treatment plant Schönerlinde.

Are you already a BIM expert? As you can see, we have a lot of exciting projects for you. Would you like to become a BIM expert? Then you will receive external training for at least 5 days and then work with the “old BIM hands” on projects.

…or rather an expert in project management

Young, committed project engineers undergo training with us that covers all the relevant competencies for the project execution: from the perspective of your own personality, through action skills as project manager to social and leadership skills.

Trust meets flexibility

Mobility is one of our core topics! Why should you work only in one place? Or just on one topic! Or always at the same (core) working time!

Working here? Or would you rather work there?

Technical infrastructure and, above all, trust are the basis for you to be able to work in home office or in one of our commuter offices*. Not every day, direct communication is too important to us and often simply necessary. If you need it due to private appointments or your commute seems too long, our commuter offices in Cologne and Essen are at your disposal.

Mit weniger Stau zur Arbeit – Unsere Pendlerbüros

* There are currently commuter offices in Essen and Cologne

We are flexible not just regarding the work location (home office, commuter offices, various branches) but also concerning the areas of expertise. We have a broad-based structure and this benefits your personal development.

A broad-based structure – A benefit for your personal development.

You spend a lot of your life on the job. Wouldn’t be nice if you could still fit in the company with a new or different topic? We have several exciting projects to offer. If you are looking for the freedom not to commit yourself to a certain topic yet, or if you would like to see beyond the end of your nose, you are in the right place!

The complexity of really large projects attracts you, but you lack the experience? Then begin with sub-project management! Would you like to work on international projects in Italy for a while? With pleasure! Our variety of topics, belonging to the NET Group and to our several branches in Germany offers you maximum room to move!

Work-Travel- Balance – 15 days plus possible

Sure, we must work. And travel somehow too!
Those who cannot get by with 30 days (29 plus 1/2 day each at Christmas and New Year’s Eve) can enjoy up to 15 additional unpaid vacation days within three years.

Flexibility has so many faces – show us yours!